What is Equifun?

When we talk about horse riding, we often refer to show jumping, dressage or other sports like cross-country. However, there are many other disciplines including Equifun , which fascinate many professionals. What is Equifun? We talk about it in this article.

What does Equifun consist of?

We could literally translate "equifun" as "fun on horseback". For equifun, it is much more than that. It is a discipline that combines dressage, concentration, maneuverability and is mainly carried out with a pony.

The goal here is to complete several difficulties on the same course as quickly as possible. In other words, you can turn around objects, jump small obstacles or zigzag between cones as quickly as possible.

Since we learn more while having fun, Equifun is the solution for equestrian centers to properly teach young riders to handle their horses and to be more comfortable with them without having the impression of having to work on themselves or ask themselves a thousand questions.

Although it is noted that equifun is generally done by children on ponies, it is a discipline that many adults also enjoy. Thus, ponies and horses, adults and children, everyone can allow themselves to practice this discipline.

What equipment do you need to get started with equifun?

To practice equifun, you do not need any special equipment. Your usual riding equipment will be sufficient. However, you must be able to set up devices for your training.

For example, you will need bars, stanchions and blocks. Most boarding houses and equestrian centers are very well equipped with equipment. Similarly, if you want to get the necessary equipment for yourself, you can find it on La Sellerie Française.

Which horse should I use Equifun for?

The horse to practice equifun must be a very well trained horse. In other words, this horse must be malleable and have good physical and mental well-being. It must not be afraid of candlesticks or earth bars. The horse will also have to jump certain devices.

He will therefore need to be calm and sufficiently prepared. However, the effort he will have to make will not necessarily be as much as the effort required for an obstacle course. Basically, equifun is the discipline par excellence for a rider and his leisure horse.

How can an equifun event take place?

The Equifun test will consist of the rider completing all the devices as quickly as possible. All penalties and other faults during the course will add seconds to the time achieved by the rider.

The best rider will then be the one who has been much faster and who has made the fewest mistakes. There are several penalties when taking part in an equine event.

The very first type of penalty is the fault on the device. It adds 20 seconds to the duration of the equifun practitioner's course. In addition, from the second fault when on the same device, an addition of 5 seconds is made to each fault committed.

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