What is the CCE?

The rider's daily life is not only based on training his animal. A rider does much more than that. Some riders even participate in competitions, including CCE. What is CCE? We talk about it in this article.

What is the CCE?

The eventing competition, also called CCE, is an Olympic discipline. It is undoubtedly the most spectacular equestrian discipline. This discipline is made up of 3 fairly distinct events that the rider competes in with the same equine. These are dressage, cross-country, and show jumping. All of this takes place over one, two or three days.

What is dressage?

Dressage is the symbol of beauty and elegance. Here, the equine and the rider will perform at three paces, walk, trot, gallop, figures that will be imposed on them. This, within an enclosed space of 60 mx 20m. This space is called the arena. The execution of the requested figures is noted by a jury composed of two judges. These two judges have the role of assessing the precision of the figures, of taking into account the gait of the equine, the ease of the rider as well as the harmony of the couple formed. The average mark is transformed into a negative point.

What to remember from the cross?

Cross-country riding is one of the most spectacular events. It involves a course that is laid out in the open air and includes fixed and natural obstacles that are completed within a certain time limit. After the cross-country riding, the jury is required to inspect the horses to check whether the horse is in good general condition and is fit to continue the event. It should be remembered that here, lameness is disqualifying. To avoid this, it is best to contact La Sellerie Française to obtain the best accessories that can ensure the horse's comfort.

What is show jumping?

Show jumping is one of the most practiced and best-known disciplines in equestrian sports. It involves completing a course of moving obstacles over a relatively limited period of time. Here, riders start in the opposite direction to their rankings. During the course, the fall of a single bar can cause the pair to lose one or more places.

Here, whether you are a horse lover from the start or a novice in horse riding, it does not matter. The eventing competition is a real spectacle and constitutes a perfect alliance of nature and sport. All this perhaps explains the growing enthusiasm of the media and the public for the discipline.

As a reminder, it must be said that the eventing competition has its origins in military events called in France "competition of the horse of arms". Events which had the objective of testing the capacities of the horses preselected to join the army.

Thus, the endurance, strength and dressage of these horses were evaluated during races of 30 to 70 kilometers. Races that included many obstacles that the horses had to overcome. It must also be said that horse racing greatly inspired the creation of the CCE, because it involves sustained speed as well as certain obstacles such as fords and hedges.

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