What is Equifeel?

Among the disciplines that we practice with a horse when we are a rider, there is equifeel. Equifeel is a discipline set apart, which although having points of convergence with several riders, has many points of divergence. Equifeel, what is it? We talk about it in this article.

What is Equifeel?

Equifeel is a discipline that was born from the craze for so-called ethological horse riding. This discipline officially appeared in France in 2004 under the name of "Ethological Horse Riding Tournament". At that time, Equifeel consisted of ground exercises in addition to exercises that combined both ground and ground work. In 2007, the discipline was given the name it is known by today. It must be said that this modification was accompanied by two major changes.

The very first change is that Equifeel has been divided into several categories in order to adapt it to all levels and all profiles. The mounted exercises have been removed so that Equifeel now only concerns ground work. It should also be noted that Equifeel is intended to be fun and educational through tests to be carried out with your horse in mutual respect and calm.

Today, Equifeel exists in different tests, about twenty, that are carried out with your horse. To obtain equipment to practice Equifeel, many riders turn to one of the largest online stores selling accessories in this field.

What types of riders can practice Equifeel?

One of the important things you should remember is that Equifeel is for everyone. Whether children or adults, whether experienced riders or beginners, everyone can do Equifeel with their horse. It is a discipline that is all the more interesting because it does not require expensive equipment to practice. It is therefore a discipline accessible to all budgets.

Similarly, Equifeel is a sport that is less dangerous than others. As a result, even pregnant women practice Equifeel. They thus keep a consistent place with their horses while keeping them in shape, without taking the risk of getting in the saddle.

Better still, the practice of Equifeel is also suitable for people with disabilities. There are even associations that welcome people with motor or mental disabilities and have them practice Equifeel. According to these associations, Equifeel is a practice that allows the rider to work on their autonomy, emotions, motor skills, communication and respect for the animal. Equifeel thus becomes a truly complete discipline and very rich in learning.

Furthermore, you should know that if Equifeel is for all riders, almost all horses can also practice it. Many professionals agree that Equifeel is the discipline par excellence when it comes to educating young horses. This discipline allows horses to be taught basic codes, mutual respect and to discover many different things.

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