What is mountain trail?

You dream of practicing a sport that you are passionate about, specifically in the horse riding sector. So your instructor, taking into account your profile and your progression line, has recommended mountain trail. However, you don't know enough about it to get started. Here is something to satisfy your thirst for knowledge.

Required skills

To do mountain trail riding, the first skill required is complicity with your horse. This is an activity that takes place specifically in the mountains and sometimes requires taking risks. To achieve this, the rider and his mount must be synchronized and comfortable. Among other things, they must be well prepared for the occasion. You can have what you need at La Sellerie Française. Thus, in comfort and safety, as soon as the situation requires them to be a little more active, this is done instinctively at the level of the two concerned.

The second skill is the temerity or courage of the horse and its rider. In reality, in the practice of this activity, it is necessary to face sometimes very rough terrain. A confident horse is the only horse that can go far or make the necessary jumps. For this, it must be the perfect outdoor horse for the perfect rider.

The third skill to consider in mountain trail practice is the enhancement of the horse and rider's performance. The horse must have high-level physical abilities to be able to run in the mountains and jump obstacles without hesitation.

The rules of the mountain trail

This sport, born in 2001, has seen improvements over the years, from its country of origin, the United States, to the whole world. The first requirement is in the rider's outfit and the attire of his mount. Each duo must present itself according to its belonging to a specific category, in particular classic, western, and Camargue.

The practice of mountain trail requires that the rider and his mount overcome all the obstacles on the course with a faultless performance in the best case and a time within the standards. The difficulty encountered must never stop the rider and his mount on the course.

In addition, all the rules of the exercise are found in the official regulations, federal regulations made available to all professional competitors. It is generally a question of taking advantage of each race, each game to progress and reach the best level without asking too much for aids.

The benefits of practicing mountain trail

Mountain trail riding is beneficial for any rider and horse for the simple reason that it increases their fusion and competitiveness. The rider learns to trust his horse's prowess while helping him improve it. The horse becomes more confident in his rider's abilities to lead him to a safe destination, to give him the right instructions.

The mountain trail is also the perfect exercise for any rider looking for a new experience and wanting to gauge their equestrian level on a high-level course.

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