Equestrian expressions

There are times when we feel embarrassed when we are with a riding friend who comes out with "strange" expressions that we still do not understand. Indeed, each specialty has its jargon, it is easy for people from the same field to understand each other when they speak to each other. This rule also applies to the equestrian world. Today, we propose to make you discover some expressions that are specific to the field of horse riding.

Making wood for the winter

The expression "making wood for the winter" may lead you to believe that it is a lumberjack who is stocking up for the winter period. However, this is not the case at all. In the equestrian world, when we say that someone is making wood for the winter, it is a rider and his horse who during their courses break all the wooden bars. Thus, this expression is used to illustrate this idea and to make it clear that the course was anything but flawless. To stop making wood for the winter, stock up on accessories from La Sellerie Française . Your pony or horse will then be able to benefit from the best conditions to offer excellent results.

To have one's ass in the wheelbarrow

When we say that a rider has his ass in the wheelbarrow, this means that the latter has a frequent tendency to struggle to get his posterior off the saddle. On the other hand, for the rest of the world, having his ass in the wheelbarrow refers to a little-known activity in the stables: wheelbarrow racing.

Put the hut on the dog

"Put the shed on the dog" is an expression that refers to a couple having mixed on an obstacle. It is an expression that is usually accompanied by a slight country accent that changes the "on the dog" to "su'l chien".

Put the ganache inside

It is essential to maintain the fold when working on the dish. However, it is sometimes complicated not to unconsciously make the connection with pastry and to start drooling abundantly in the middle of sessions.

Having a thong on your cross-country course

The string is an obstacle profile that is very tricky. On the other hand, this obstacle profile is very funny when you recognize the course. Well, unless you have to jump it yourself the next day when the pony clearly prefers shorties.

Tighten the rods

There is no need to worry. You do not need canes or crutches at the club. When a rider is asked to squeeze the canes, it means that he is asked to squeeze his calves instead of shaking them. In fact, it is advisable for such a rider to take a little trip to the gym.

Have a good plate

Of course, you can boast about having a good plate in an equestrian environment. However, saying this in society will make you look like a bargain hunter who bought a nice plate in a flea market in the countryside.

So here are some equestrian expressions that you should never make a mistake about again in the future.

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