Hearing in horses

Like humans, animals also have several senses. In some, all five senses can be perceived. In other animals, however, this may not be the case. The horse being one of the animals closest to humans, it uses all five senses in general in its daily life. In horses, hearing is a sense that is very developed. In this article, discover everything you need to know about hearing in horses. Let's go.

Hearing, the most developed sense in horses

Hearing is the most developed sense in horses. They can hear sounds occurring more than 4 kilometers from where they are. Each sound is characterized by a natural frequency that is measured in hertz (Hz). Horses perceive sounds whose frequency varies from 20 to 100,000 Hz, while humans do not perceive sounds whose frequency is higher than 20,000 Hz. Horses therefore perceive sounds that are not perceptible to the human ear, and can therefore, without humans understanding the reason, stray or get carried away. In addition, where humans "sort" what they hear (selective listening), horses can listen completely and hear sounds from different sources. The great mobility of their ears also allows them to listen to sounds coming from one direction with one ear and sounds coming from another direction with the other.

The ears are therefore essential organs for the horse who will do everything to protect them. The best protective barrier is the layer of hair that lines the entrance to the ears (figure 13), it protects them from bad weather, so avoid cutting this hair, especially if the horse goes out into the meadow. When showering, the horse may show a sudden movement of its head backwards to prevent water from entering its ears. If the groomer insists on getting its head wet, the horse may panic and risk injuring the person. It is therefore recommended to use a sponge to clean the horse's head to avoid any conflict situation. You will find such a sponge and any other similar accessory on La Sellerie Française .

Talking to your horse, an important act that strengthens the bond between rider and equine

In order to improve the relationship with the animal, it is very important to talk to it. Not all tones are suitable: words spoken slowly and without raising the voice have a calming effect on the animal, they reassure it and help to build its confidence. On the other hand, loud voices and high-pitched cries from children should be avoided, they create fear in the animal which, through the instinct to flee, can jostle and hurt people close to it. In addition, a person who continually yells desensitizes their horse and no longer knows how to listen to it in case of danger. In normal situations, a simple raised voice is often enough to stop the horse's action (crushing a foot, running away, etc.). The horse's great ability to listen can be used to its advantage in its learning. Indeed, the horse is capable of recognizing a very large number of words.

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