All horse diseases and how to treat them?

If your current project is to get into horse riding, you should at least know the ropes. Above all, remember to know the different horse diseases and how to treat them before buying your horse. We will help you with this.

Respiratory diseases

The most common ailments affecting horses are respiratory. They drastically reduce their performance during activity. Since they can no longer breathe well, your horse gets out of breath very quickly. Sometimes, they cough to support the effort they are making. The most well-known ailment in this category of disease is emphysema, also called heaves.

To treat respiratory diseases, the first remedy is cleanliness in both the horse's box and the box of its neighbors, using reference care and maintenance products. You must feed it by referring to the products on La Sellerie Française . If it is necessary to take it for a walk each time to clean, for example, it is better to do so. Its hay must especially be treated with a device designed specifically for this use. If the case is quite worrying, corticosteroids, bronchodilators and herbal teas are recommended.

Digestive disorders

Digestive disorders are diseases that completely slow down the horse's progress and interfere with the work it does with its rider. Depending on the severity of the situation and the sensitivity of the horse, digestive disorders can manifest themselves violently or subtly.

In some cases, the horse lies down more often. He inspects his belly himself or slaps his flanks. The disease is then at a mild stage. In other cases, the horse throws himself violently on the ground. He rolls on the ground to the point of shedding tears. There is reason to worry because he could die.

The known treatment for this disease is surgery. To do this, you must notify specialist veterinarians. First of all, you will need a thorough consultation to find out the cause of the disease and its precise location in your horse's body. Once this stage is over, if there is a possibility of avoiding surgery, it is better to think about it by relying on the effectiveness of spasmodics.

General diseases

General diseases include weight loss, Lyme disease, Cushing's disease, infectious diseases caused by parasites, and skin diseases.

These diseases depend on the horse's living conditions. When he cannot feel comfortable in the stable because of the hierarchy or the habits of the professionals on site, this affects him personally. He is more likely to get sick. Parasites swarm around him.

These problems are solved with a boost of cleanliness. Everything must be cleaned properly. For an owner concerned about the well-being of his horse, it is imperative to set him aside to give him the proper care, pamper him and then bring him back to the herd in top form.