What is trec?

Do you know the trec? It is the acronym for Technique de Randonnée Équestre de Compétition. The trec is a discipline that generally consists of 3 tests that are intended to help riders and horses progress in order to allow them to acquire a certain autonomy of horseback riding with all the safety that goes with it. What is the trec?

What you need to know about trec

Trec is one of the best ways to discover and enjoy nature while practicing an excellent physical activity at the same time. More precisely, Trec is a clever mix of several disciplines including hiking, orienteering, show jumping, dressage and even gait control. Promoting team play, Trec takes place over one or two days with a part that takes place during the night in several stages.

The POR orientation and regularity course

The first stage of the trec is the POR . Here, competitors will try to take the route that is drawn on a map that corresponds to a distance of 5 to 40 kilometers that they will discover in the map room and that they will copy onto a map that is blank.

All along the course, so-called checkpoints are positioned, the location of which is unknown to the riders. These checkpoints will allow the time of the competitor's passage and the accuracy of the route that the latter has taken to be verified.

At the start of each control, a speed of between 5 and 12 km per hour is indicated to the competitors. The rider must then be as regular as possible in order to avoid penalties which are applied if he is late or early compared to the ideal time for each section.

To optimize his experience, the rider must use the best accessories for his horse. In this matter, La Sellerie Française offers the best quality accessories available in France .

The PVT course on varied terrain

The PVT is a circuit between 300 m and 2 km long, which must be completed in a time determined in advance. This circuit presents a range of natural or simulated devices that are often encountered when hiking. The devices can therefore be tree trunks, a pit, a footbridge, a hedge, a ford, a gate, or low branches. Here, the judges will note the efficiency, style and frankness of the horse/rider pair. Maximum ratings are then defined according to competition levels in online technical sheets on the FFE website.

Mastering the Gaits, MA

Gait control is a test that aims to highlight the horse's training as well as its natural gaits. That said, in a corridor one and a half meters wide and one hundred to fifty meters long, the horse will have to perform a gallop as slowly as possible and then return to a fairly quick walk.

The competitor may lose points when the horse places a foot on the line delimiting the corridor, or if the latter makes a change in pace. As for the pony events, the corridor is replaced by 5 pace zones which must be respected without any notion of a stopwatch.

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