What is harnessing?

When we talk about trec in horse riding, we are referring to the acronym: Technique de Randonnée équestre de Compétition. It is a discipline that is made up of three different tests that are intended to develop horses and drivers in order to allow them to have a certain autonomy of the harnessed journey in complete safety. In more depth, what is trec in harnessing? Find out more in this article.

The harnessed trek, for what reason?

Carriage riding is a discipline that combines the healthy emulation of competition with the sensations of freedom of outdoor riding. Carriage riding is first and foremost a gathering of hikers who are happy to measure themselves in events that prioritize complicity with a trained horse capable of reacting serenely to all the hazards that hiking in the wilderness can bring.

The Trec in harness is also and above all the orientation and regularity course, the course on varied terrain as well as the mastery of paces.

The POR regularity and orientation course

Here, the competitors have the objective of following precisely the route that is drawn on the map corresponding to a distance of up to 20 km. A route that they discover in the map room and that they have previously copied onto a blank map.

Along the course, checkpoints are positioned, the location of which is unknown to the riders. These so-called checkpoints make it possible to check the time at which the competitor passes as well as the accuracy of the route taken.

At the beginning of each control, a speed that is between 5 kilometers and 12 kilometers per hour is indicated to the competitors. The rider will have to be as regular as possible because penalties are applied if the latter is ahead or behind in comparison to the ideal time of each section. To be in the best time, the riders offer their horses the best accessories that they need. You can find these accessories on La Sellerie Française .

The course on varied terrain, PTV

The course on varied terrain is a circuit of at least 800 meters that must be completed during a given period and which presents a range of simulated or natural devices that are frequently encountered on a hike. These may be fords, bridges or even roundabouts… The judges note the directness, efficiency and style of the rider/horse pair. The scoring criteria are defined in the technical sheets according to the competition levels.

Mastering the paces, MA

Gait control is a test designed to highlight natural gaits as well as horse training. This test is done according to the level of competition unless it is for two-row harnesses. This test includes 04 gait zones that must be respected without the notion of a stopwatch.

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