Everything you need to know about working on foot

For a rider within the norms, the best skill is to be able to walk in good symbiosis with his horse. Such work requires a thorough knowledge of the equestrian environment. If you want to get into it, you should continue reading.

The foreplay

For ground work, there must be a certain complicity between the horse and its rider. This implies work in advance with a good deal of application. It is mainly by putting all your motivation to the test that you give your horse the basics required to become a good horse on foot as well as in the saddle.

The preliminaries for groundwork consist of working in person with your horse. You must start by finding a good availability and a mount adapted to your person. It is with such a base that you build your collaborative relationship. The preliminaries for a horse in groundwork is also the care. Once the horse is chosen, it is then up to you to take care of your horse. This activity from food to care through clothing or clothing . Finally, for long-term work, the rider must have the right timing, the right balance and pay attention to everything his horse does.

Mandatory accessories

Groundwork is a mandatory exercise for all riders who have ambitions in the equestrian world. Professionals, amateurs and beginners can therefore simply meet at a racecourse and have fun motivating their mount.

As the main accessory, the halter is designed to facilitate communication between the rider and his horse. The simple flat halter is more suitable than the ethological halter for a beginner. It is enough to put it tight enough not to disturb the horse and enough hanging so as not to cause serious injuries in the event of violent pressure.

Another accessory, the long line must serve as a link between the halter and the rider's hands. It is by pulling on it a little that the horse will receive the orders. Upstream, it is the line that remains in the rider's hands. It is also according to the way he holds the line that the horse recognizes the following activity or exercise.

A good-sized stable with good infrastructure is the right space for quality work. You should therefore check the facilities and the qualifications of the professionals before taking your horse there for ground work.

Possible exercises

Groundwork exercises are legion in official documents and training programs for the different gallops as well as for competitions. A priori, the movements of the horse's hips need to be improved. Steps to the left and right and jumping over obstacles are also among the priority exercises. These are elements that allow you to participate largely in all the gallops to end up moving on to the stage of professional competitor.

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