Is my saddle suitable for my horse?

The saddle is an object that is generally made of synthetic leather. It is a kind of blanket on which the rider can sit when the latter wants to go horseback riding. For good horse riding practice and the horse's comfort, it is appropriate to ask one question that remains of capital importance. Is your saddle suitable for your horse?

The function of the saddle

The saddle is one of the most important interfaces between the rider and the horse. The main function of the saddle is to distribute the human's weight as evenly as possible on the horse's back to avoid excessive pressure points.

At the same time, the saddle must not restrict the horse's movements. It must provide a stable and secure seat for the human at all gaits and during various activities. To fulfil this function, the saddle must be adapted to the horse and the human and be appropriate for the discipline being practised. A poorly fitted saddle has negative effects on the horse's well-being, health and performance.

Who should I contact to have my saddle checked?

Specialists from various professions can carry out a saddle check. These include, first and foremost , saddlers (holders of a CFC in leather and textile craftsmanship with a focus on equestrian sport), veterinarians, saddle salespeople and equine osteopaths or physiotherapists who have completed corresponding training in Switzerland or abroad.

Although saddle fit defects can be identified by different people, it is advisable that adjustments are carried out only by certified and trained professionals.

In Switzerland, this is usually a person affiliated with the Swiss Leather and Textile Association (ASCT). Ideally, this person should have experience in adapting saddles to the horse and be able to carry out modifications in a professionally equipped workshop.

In principle, it is recommended that the adaptations are carried out by the same person or company that assessed the horse and saddle on site. For this purpose, you can trust the which is one of the best platforms for selling equestrian accessories in France.

What are the signs of an unsuitable saddle?

Certain behaviors expressed by the horse can already indicate that the saddle is causing discomfort and/or pain. There are signs of discomfort when grooming, saddling or girthing.

Here, the horse contracts its muscles and arches its back when it is brushed at the saddle site. When grooming, saddling or girthing, it threatens to bite, points its ears back, wags its tail, shakes its head and neck, bites the rope or gate to which it is tied, and grinds its teeth. It does not stay still when tied and tries to avoid handling related to grooming and saddling. When girthing, it puffs out its belly and stiffens.

The horse can also become agitated when getting into the saddle. It does not remain still when the human puts his foot in the stirrup to mount its back, it points its ears backwards, shakes its head and neck, arches its back, lashes its tail or wedges it between its buttocks.

The horse may also show signs of discomfort under the saddle. Here, the horse is tense, the gaits are short, it holds back in movement, does not want to move forward or, on the contrary, rushes and runs.

The horse does not get in hand, shakes its head, leaps forward. It lashes its tail, grinds its teeth or tilts its ears back.