How and why to use an instructor?

An instructor is a professional who takes care of giving you riding lessons. You have to choose the right person, a professional. If you have already thought about it without knowing how or why it should be done, the following information will be very useful to you.

How to call a monitor?

To request the services of an instructor, you must first ask yourself the right questions. When the professional is in front of you, he will need answers to certain questions. You must have these answers before contacting him.


To begin, you need to take stock of your background. A priori, being in good physical shape is an asset for practicing horse riding and progressing very quickly. Specifically, in the equestrian sector, beginners need more guided freedom than professionals or amateurs.

Then, it is urgent to delimit the time available in your schedule and the possible program of the courses. Thus, the instructor will be able to make a program of the courses to allow you to reach the desired level in record time. The learner is also invited to tell his future instructor the ambitions he aims for in the short, medium and long term.

Finally, the budget must be discussed. It is the central point without which no other point could be addressed.

Actions to be taken

Once this preliminary work is done, you make a request for an instructor at a riding club. This is a space where many professionals practice. You also have the possibility of directly asking a professional practitioner to recommend their instructor. In addition, online, some expert instructors offer courses via their platforms whose exemplary nature is to be assessed based on the comments and recommendations obtained from friends or relatives who have already tried.

Why use an instructor?

Hiring an instructor is often seen as an attitude reserved for the rich. Far from it! Hiring an instructor means enjoying many advantages.

Benefits in learning

Indeed, calling on a professional implies the solicitation of an expert to correct all the imperfections related to his equestrian practice for an amateur or a professional. For a beginner, it is the best option to acquire solid and realistic bases in horse riding. With this, rapid linear progression is assured.

Long term benefits

By using an instructor, the learner is guaranteed expert advice for the care of his horse. Since the instructor is used to animals, he can detect problems early before they become a much more serious problem. Thanks to him, the choice of accessories, products, routes, trends is much more considered. Each time, his expertise is useful to shed light on the different decisions.

Competitions are also legion in horse riding. It is therefore a fertile ground for anyone who wants to make a career. To do this, you need to have a very experienced guide who already masters all the stages and has perfect entries. Thus, as soon as the talent appears, he can present his foal in the most fashionable clubs. Little by little, you also create your own network of professionals.

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