What is an equestrian center?

Mastering the world of horse riding is something that cannot be done without going through an equestrian center . The equestrian center is an essential organization today in the world of horse riding for many reasons that you will discover in this article. What is an equestrian center?

What is an equestrian center?

The main task of a riding school is to teach horse riding to groups of people as well as to individuals. Riding schools are therefore generally large farms with a number of facilities. These facilities include the riding school, the arena and the stables.

The riding school is a large place that is generally located indoors where the lessons are provided. As for the arena , it is a place similar to the riding school, but which is located outside. As for the stables, these are places where the horses live when they are not in the field or still being taught. The stables include boxes, a tack room, paddocks, etc.

You will often notice that an equestrian center also has one or more grooming areas, whether outdoors or indoors. These are places that riders use when cleaning or harnessing their mounts.

Equestrian centers are also sometimes composed of emergency pharmacies in addition to one or more storage areas for straw, agricultural machinery or fodder. Equestrian centers are built in principle according to the standards of establishments receiving the public.

Before an equestrian center begins its activities, it must make declarations to the town hall, the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the national stud farms.

The managers of an equestrian center generally have diplomas that allow them to supervise equestrian practices. Depending on the expectations of the public, an equestrian center may have a more or less numerous cavalry.

Generally speaking, the ponies and horses present in these centers are the property of people who lend them or entrust them to the equestrian center. These owners generally obtain their saddlery from La Sellerie Française .

How equestrian centers work

The main activity of an equestrian center being to teach, the instructors of the equestrian centers are generally mobilized on weekends and Wednesdays to teach horse riding to individuals.

The equestrian centers devote the other days of the week to welcoming school groups or to various leisure activities. The rest of the time, the equestrian center is essentially dedicated to administrative work as well as the maintenance of the structure.

This includes organizing possible events, cleaning out boxes, monitoring the health of ponies and horses, caring for and maintaining the horses, in addition to communication work.

Now that you know everything about how an equestrian center works, don't hesitate to take a tour of one of these centers that are close to you in order to discover more about the world of horse riding.

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