Farrier: focus on his profession

To feel fulfilled and stay healthy in order to offer the best of themselves, equines must be maintained by different professionals, including the farrier. The farrier is a specialist who takes care of the feet and hooves of equines, whether donkeys, ponies or horses. He takes care of fitting and trimming the shoes. In this article, we take a closer look at the profession of the farrier.

What exactly does a farrier do?

The farrier is the specialist who protects the feet and hooves of equines. Without the intervention of the latter, equines would walk on the edge and would be exposed to the risk of wear. The farrier is a true equine orthopedist. He treats and cleans the hooves of equines every month before making and fitting shoes. A true animal enthusiast, the farrier also ensures the overall health of equines. In this way, he can check the good hygiene of the horse's mouth and teeth.

The profession of farrier is one of the oldest and has been practiced for over 3000 years. Today, farriery uses modern installation techniques and the techniques used in the exercise of this professional activity can be very scalable. The proof is that we meet more and more farriers who help horse owners in the purchase of equestrian accessories on La Sellerie Française . 

What are the qualities and skills required to work as a farrier?

The farrier is an equine specialist who has an excellent knowledge of equine anatomy. This allows him to better understand the behavior of horses when they show signs of complaints, especially in the foot. This professional has a real attraction to animals. Animals are like a second family to him and he takes care of them by giving them the maximum possible satisfaction. Beyond the care that the farrier provides to the equines, he is a professional who has strong self-control. The farrier needs unfailing temperance to understand animals and resist their whims.

Moreover, it is only such temperance that allows him to provide the necessary care to the equines, to reassure them when he reads fear on their faces or when they seem agitated because of their pain. The farrier must be of unparalleled meticulousness and skill. This allows him to efficiently handle the tools he uses when treating the equines. Similarly, meticulousness allows him to do things in such a way as not to injure the equines and to bring them satisfaction.

Finally, to work as a farrier, you must be in excellent physical condition. This will be necessary to exercise real control over equines, which are generally very strong.

What training should I take to become a good farrier?

It is possible to become a farrier after obtaining a CAPA in farriery. You can also practice this profession from a technical certificate of farrier trades BTM. Once you have obtained one of these diplomas as a farrier, you will be able to work in equestrian centers, stud farms or even be self-employed. Due to the renewed interest in the field of horse riding, there may be many job opportunities.

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