5 reasons why you should groom your horse regularly?

A horse deserves to be taken care of constantly. One of the methods recommended by professionals is grooming. This operation does not obtain the approval of all enthusiasts. This is because of their poor mastery of the gesture if not grooming is necessary for the following reasons.

Taking care of your horse's hygiene

Grooming is a process of thoroughly cleaning the entire body of the horse. It is then necessary to equip yourself with a set of accessories, tools and materials available on La Sellerie Française . The entire set is reserved for a single horse. The process is reserved for the horse and must be carried out following a respect for the sequence of steps. It is therefore very delicate and important.

If you groom your horse with the tools reserved for him, then you take care of his hygiene. You search his coat, his skin and his body. This implies that you remove all the dirt that has remained stuck on his fur. Your mount is therefore a little cleaner. Moreover, he points this out during practice.

Make a diagnosis

Grooming is done according to the professional before and after exercise sessions, work, on foot as well as in the saddle. This means that you have worn out the horse and you have not necessarily had time to notice all the subtle movements it has had to make because it is a little sore from having walked on a stone or a piece of wood, for example.

If a stone hits him, you won't necessarily notice it because after the pain, the horse calms down. During grooming, the rider can then touch the horse's entire body and detect the parts that hurt, the places that have become more sensitive. Thus, for the next work, there will be judicious care of the mount. If it is necessary to call a veterinarian, it must be done.

Know your horse

A horse is a rather difficult animal to know, especially when it is introverted. The rider just gives it instructions that it takes care of executing without showing its mood or its feelings. The horse is then with a simple companion.

For the horse to become your accomplice, you must succeed in knowing him better, precisely in knowing his body and his temperament better when he is vexed, angry or irritated. To do this, you must first know his sensitive parts, his prohibitions, his means of expression.

Experience a unique moment with your horse

Experiencing a unique moment with your horse is the goal of every rider who rides a horse specifically. However, this rarely happens. With grooming, you then have the opportunity to create the unique moment.

To do this, you have to prepare the grooming by making the moment a special one. You have to go towards the horse while respecting it and creating the gap for an extraordinary familiarity.

Creating solemn moments

Grooming is done at the beginning and end of the sessions. The horse must also understand it through the gestures of his master. It is then necessary to prepare him for it.

So, the gesture will become a solemn moment. As soon as you start grooming him, the horse will understand that there will be work. At the end, you repeat the same ritual so that he can relax and concentrate on something else.