Which box for the horse?

When setting up a horse box, it is the strength and durability of the base material that matters. If it can give off a pleasant natural scent, it will be a soothing touch for your equine. Apart from that, there are other details to emphasize.

A good sized box

The horse is in a box for the day. He will then get bored to the point of wanting to roll on the ground. He will love to move from time to time to the point of doing turns on himself in his box, preferably when he has a nice look like the one exhibited on La Sellerie Française that he wants to show. If all these options are taken into consideration, it is then necessary to adapt the size of the box to the size of the horse . Thus, your animal will want to spend his entire stay at your home in his box without getting depressed.

The box must therefore mainly meet his movement needs, especially on days of caprice or bad mood. It is therefore necessary to anticipate the extent of his different movements and adjust the basic dimensions of the box accordingly.

The well-ventilated box

An airy box is the guarantor of a good mood for the horse. You must be used to seeing horses trotting on the spot in their box or sticking their heads over the small closed door. It is their way of staying in touch with the world around them and making them feel that they exist. If the box is well ventilated, the horse will participate more in family life since he will be in a good mood more often.

With an outdoor stall, the horse owner easily solves the problem of ventilation. If he thinks about an indoor stall, it must be in an area where the wind is strong enough to enter the buildings day and night. The most important thing is that the horse constantly feels the presence of fresh air in its immediate environment.

A clean box

Keeping your horse's box clean protects it from all diseases and guarantees you good work sessions. For this reason, it is recommended to clean the horse's box often. It is advisable to do this when your horse is not around to prevent him from smelling dust.

The clean box must be provided with quality hay. If you feel that the quality is declining at your usual supplier, it is better to change.

A box nearby

The good quality box is close to the equine's shower. This means that you can move it from its rest room to its toilet in a short time. Taking care of it therefore becomes an activity that takes less time.

The stall cleaning kit should also be next to your horse's stall. It is not a question of putting the stall in the vicinity of the house store. You just need to find a nearby space to store the tools and materials for maintaining the horse and its stall.