Les chutes à cheval   

Horse Falls

The horse is an animal that takes pleasure in testing its rider. It is therefore normal for it to do tricks from time to time to the point of makin...

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Le cheval à l’état sauvage   

The horse in the wild

Did you know that the horse is an animal of wild origin? Although the majority of horses that we see today were born to a breeder, their great-gran...

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Les expressions équestres  

Equestrian expressions

There are times when we feel embarrassed when we are with a riding friend who comes out with "strange" expressions that we still do not understand....

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Sélection et races de chevaux  

Horse selection and breeds

Horses, just like humans, have different behaviors from one horse to another. Some are generally calm while others are very aggressive. This is alm...

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Qu’est qu’un palefrenier ?

What is a groom?

The groom is a specialist who works directly with horses, whether they are in the field or in the stable. He is the one who spends a large part of ...

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